Rules For Liar''s Dice

Liar's dice is a class of dice games for two or more players requiring the ability to deceive and to detect an opponent's deception.

In 'single hand' liar's dice games, each player has a set of dice, all players roll once, and the bids relate to the dice each player can see (their hand) plus all the concealed dice (the other players' hands). In 'common hand' games, there is one set of dice which is passed from player to player. The bids relate to the dice as they are in front of the bidder after selected dice have been re-rolled.

Let the first player guess how many total of one dice face were rolled. This is the total between all the dice on the table. They’ll make a bet out loud that includes a dice face. Liar's Dice requires two or more players. Each player receives a dice cup and five 6-sided dice. Game Play for “Single Hand”: Each player shakes their dice and all players simultaneously turn their cups over on the table. Each player peeks at their dice keep-ing it hidden from the other players. Choose a player to begin. Liar's Dice Rules Use the document to write rules for the user on how to play the game in a text file. Then, using the information from the resource articles, create a program that will read in the text file and display it out to the user. Farkle, or Farkel, is a dice game has also been called or is similar to 1000/5000/10000, Cosmic Wimpout, Greed, Hot Dice, Squelch, Zilch, or Zonk. What’s the dice game in Pirates? Liar’s dice was a game of chance and deception played by pirates, most notably by the crew of lost souls serving on Davy Jones’ ship the Flying Dutchman.

Single hand[edit]

Five six-sided dice are used per player, with dice cups used for concealment.

Five dice are used per player with dice cups used for concealment.

Each round, each player rolls a 'hand' of dice under their cup and looks at their hand while keeping it concealed from the other players. The first player begins bidding, announcing any face value and the minimum number of dice that the player believes are showing that value, under all of the cups in the game. Ones are often wild, always counting as the face of the current bid.

Turns rotate among the players in a clockwise order. Each player has two choices during their turn: to make a higher bid, or challenge the previous bid—typically with a call of 'liar'. Raising the bid means either increasing the quantity, or the face value, or both, according to the specific bidding rules used. There are many variants of allowed and disallowed bids; common bidding variants, given a previous bid of an arbitrary quantity and face value, include:

  • the player may bid a higher quantity of any particular face, or the same quantity of a higher face (allowing a player to 're-assert' a face value they believe prevalent if another player increased the face value on their bid);
  • the player may bid a higher quantity of the same face, or any particular quantity of a higher face (allowing a player to 'reset' the quantity);
  • the player may bid a higher quantity of the same face or the same quantity of a higher face (the most restrictive; a reduction in either face value or quantity is usually not allowed).

If the current player challenges the previous bid, all dice are revealed. If the bid is valid (at least as many of the face value and any wild aces are showing as were bid), the bidder wins. Otherwise, the challenger wins. The player who loses a round loses one of their dice. The last player to still retain a die (or dice) is the winner. The loser of the last round starts the bidding on the next round. If the loser of the last round was eliminated, the next player starts the new round.

Dice odds[edit]

For a given number of unknown dice n, the probability that exactly a certain quantity q of any face value are showing, P(q), is

P(q)=C(n,q)(1/6)q(5/6)nq{displaystyle P(q)=C(n,q)cdot (1/6)^{q}cdot (5/6)^{n-q}}

Where C(n,q) is the number of unique subsets of q dice out of the set of n unknown dice. In other words, the number of dice with any particular face value follows the binomial distributionB(n,16){displaystyle B(n,{tfrac {1}{6}})}.

For the same n, the probability P'(q) that at least q dice are showing a given face is the sum of P(x) for all x such that q ≤ x ≤ n, or

P(q)=x=qnC(n,x)(1/6)x(5/6)nx{displaystyle P'(q)=sum _{x=q}^{n}C(n,x)cdot (1/6)^{x}cdot (5/6)^{n-x}}

These equations can be used to calculate and chart the probability of exactly q and at least q for any or multiple n. For most purposes, it is sufficient to know the following facts of dice probability:

  • The expected quantity of any face value among a number of unknown dice is one-sixth the total unknown dice.
  • A bid of the expected quantity (or twice the expected value when playing with wilds), rounded down, has a greater than 50% chance of being correct and the highest chance of being exactly correct.[1]

Common hand[edit]

A set of poker dice being rolled behind a screen, played as in the 'individual' hand version of liar's dice.

Rules For Playing Liar's Dice

The 'Common hand' version is for two players. The first caller is determined at random. Both players then roll their dice at the same time, and examine their hands. Hands are called in style similar to poker, and the game may be played with poker dice:

  • Five of a kind: e.g., 44444
  • Four of a kind: e.g., 22225
  • High straight: 23456
  • Full house: e.g., 66111
  • Three of a kind: e.g., 44432
  • Low straight: 12345
  • Two pair: e.g., 22551
  • Pair: e.g., 66532
  • Runt: e.g., 13456

One player calls their hand. The other player may either call a higher-ranking hand, call the bluff, or re-roll some or all of their dice.[clarification needed] When a bluff is called, the accused bluffer reveals their dice and the winner is determined.[2]

Commercial versions[edit]

  • 1993 Call My Bluff, by F.X. Schmid and designer Richard Borg, won the 1993 Spiel des Jahres and Deutscher Spiele Preis awards.[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Ferguson, Christopher P; Ferguson, Thomas S. 'Models for the Game of Liar's Dice'(PDF). University of California at Los Angeles. Retrieved 16 January 2013.
  2. ^Hoyle's Rules of Games, Third Revised and Updated Edition. Albert H. Morehead and Georffrey Mott-Smith - Revised and Updated by Philip D. Morehead
  3. ^1993 Spiel des Jahres

External links[edit]

  • Liar's Dice at BoardGameGeek
Retrieved from ''


What are the rules to Liar’s Dice?

Each round, each player rolls a “hand” of dice under their cup and looks at their hand while keeping it concealed from the other players. The first player begins bidding, announcing any face value and the minimum number of dice that the player believes are showing that value, under all of the cups in the game.

How do you play the game you are a liar?

Players take turns being the reader and the guesser. The player who is the guesser has to determine who is lying in the stories told by the readers. There is always at least one liar in the group. Guess the most lies and win the game!

Rules For Liar

Can anyone call liar in liars dice?

Instead of calling out a higher hand on their turn, a player can call a bluff on the previous player by saying “open” or “ liar ”. When this is done all dice are revealed.

How old is Liar’s Dice?

Liar’s Dice was brought to Spain by the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro during the 16th century. Today, the game is perhaps best known for its appearance in the motion picture Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, but historical records also show that the game was popular on real pirate ships.

How many players can play you are a liar?

Great Party Game, Provides Many Laughs. Includes 120 True Story Cards, 120 Liar Story Card, and 24 Finger Cards. Recommended for Ages 12 and above. 3+ Players.

Is Google a liar?

Google’s not the only lying liar that lies but it’s the source of all the other lies. After 16-years, Google wants you to believe that there’s magic happening whenever you put a query into the still-simple and minimalist Google search box.

What is the meaning of Liar Liar?


Grammarly. · Words. A liar is a person who doesn’t speak the truth. A lier is a person or object that rests in a horizontal position.

How To Win Liar's Dice

What’s the dice game in Dead Man Chest?

In Dead Man’s Chest, Liar’s Dice is the game played by the crew of the Flying Dutchman. Played by the lost souls serving on Davy Jones’ crew, it is a game of deception and that the bet includes all the dice, not just one’s own.

Who goes first in liars dice?

How To Play Liar's Dice

Bob is the first player. After they have all rolled and looked at their own dice, Bob begins by bidding “three 4’s.”

Rules For Liar's Dice

What’s the dice game in Pirates?

Liar's Dice Rules Pdf

Liar’s dice was a game of chance and deception played by pirates, most notably by the crew of lost souls serving on Davy Jones’ ship the Flying Dutchman.